Edit Payment information

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The Payment page allows you to enter and update your payment information including Credit Card type, number, expiry date and Cardholder name. You will also be able to visualize your Prepaid account balance.


To complete your Payment information

1.Click Payment at the top section of the main page.
2.Complete or modify the fields in the Payment section.

The table below provides you with the list of all fields included in the Payment section.



Credit Cart Type

Drop-down list. Select your credit card type.

Credit Card Number

Cardholder Name

Digital field. Enter your credit card number.

Text field. Enter the name of the cardholder.

Expiry Date (MM/YYYY)

Digital field. Enter the expiry date.


3.Click the Save button to save your modifications. 

clip_note  The field Prepaid account balance is in read-only mode.