Accepting the Agreement

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When you connect to Assyst Real Estate for the first time as a new user, the Service Agreement window where the Services agreement for the use of Assyst Real Estate is displayed. You (lawyer/notary and assistants and other lawyers/notaries who have been delegated this right) have to accept this agreement as the first step in the acceptance process and to be able to continue.


Accepting Agreement

1.Clik the checkbox “I accept the terms of this agreement” and click the “I accept” link to accept the terms and conditions of this agreement. The Assyst Real Estate main page is displayed and you access the list of new files.

2.Click the “I refuse” link a message box appears confirming the request. If you confirm the action you return to the login page.

3.You can print a copy of the Agreement by clicking the Print the document link at the bottom right side of the window. This will display the Print window. Click the Print button to start printing.

Note: The Accept File window is closed. A soft copy of the agreement is automatically generated and kept in the list of documents available for this new file (see the Documents tab).

Note:  when you accept a new mandate, you can view the agreement by clicking View Service Agreement button in the Accept File window.