Creating a Transaction Report

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You can generate a transaction report at any time. The report is immediately produced and displayed in HTML format in a Web page in your Internet browser.

Legal assistants can generate reports for the lawyers/notaries they work for.

To create a transaction report

1.Click the Transaction Report button in the top left section of the Assyst Real Estate main page.
This will display the Transaction Report window.

2.Enter a start date in the Start Date field.
The date format is Year/Month/Day.
Use the calendar tool on the right of the field to select a date.

You cannot select a start date that is more than 90 days before the current date. A message is prompted if you do it.

3.Enter an end date in the End Date field.
The date format is Year/Month/Day.
Use the calendar tool on the right of the field to select a date.

You cannot select an end date that is before the start date. You cannot select an end date that is more than 31 days after the start date. A message is prompted if you do it.

Note: For more details on how to use the calendar, refer to the Calendar section.

4.For legal assistants only: select in the Report Generated for Legal Counsel list the name of the lawyer/notary you work for and for who you are generating the report.

Note: The Report Generated for Legal Counsel field is only displayed for legal assistants.

5.Click the Create button to generate the transaction report according to the dates.

Note: You can cancel the creation of the transaction report at any time by clicking the Cancel button in the Transaction Report window.

The transaction report you asked for a given period is generated and displayed in a Web page.