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The Details section allows you to select and enter information that will be forwarded to the Lender when sending the Payout Request.

Previous lender_Detail

Type : this Pull-down menu allows you to select the type of discharge requested, (partial or full Discharge).

Statement required for : this field allows you to enter the date for which the statement is required.

Comment to Lender: this text field allows you to enter additional information that you want to bring to the attention of the Lender when you send the Certified Payout Request.

Legal Description: in this section you can select, using check boxes, the lot corresponding to the property covered by the Payout Request.

Note: The Legal Description displayed in the window match the information entered in the Legal Description section under the Additional Information tab.

Previous Borrower(s) : in this section you can select, using check boxes, the name of the Previous Borrower referred by the Payout Request.

The Previous Borrower displayed in the window match the information entered in the First / Last Name or Company Name (case of company) in the Current Registered Owner(s) section under Additional Information tab.

Note: You must select at least 1 Previous Borrower in order to submit a Request for Payout Statement to the Lender.

Nature of Document : this pull-down menu allows you to select the nature of discharge requested (ex: hypothec, subrogation, etc.).

Registered Amount : this field allows you to enter the amount of the guaranty as written on the Discharge document.

Registration #: this field allows you to indicate the Discharge Registration number.

Registration Date: this field allows you to indicate the Discharge Registration date.

Registration Division: this pull-down menu allows you to select the Registration Division where the Discharge was registered.