Forgot Password?

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If you forgot your password, you can easily get a new temporary password by providing your e-mail address, which is defined in your profile. This e-mail address will then be used by the system to send you your new temporary password.

What to do if you forgot your password

1.In the Assyst Real Estate login page, click the Forgot Password? link. This will display the Forgot Password? window.

2.In the E-mail field, enter your e-mail address as it is defined in your profile (in the Office E-mail field of the My Profile page).

3.Click the Send button.

The system verifies your e-mail address and ensures it corresponds to the e-mail address defined in your profile in Assyst Real Estate (in the Office E-mail field of the My Profile page).
You will then receive two different e-mails at this address, one with your user name and one with your new temporary password.

Note: If your e-mail address is invalid, the system will inform you and you will have to contact the TELUS Service Desk.

Note: In the Forgot Password? window, click anytime the Cancel button if you wish to cancel the procedure and go back to the login page.