Importing Word Documents

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Assyst Real Estate provides a function to import documents. This allows you to import in a file a document, with bookmarks, and register it online via Assyst Real Estate and transmit it to the Land Register for registration purpose.

Note: To ensure that the document import works correctly, it is important for the document format to be in accordance with the TELUS specifications and contains bookmarks.

The imported document is automatically added to the list of your documents for the current file under the Other documents (Import) category.

To import a Word document

1.Select a file in your list of files.

2.Make sure the File tab is selected.

3.Click the Import a Word document link.


4.Click the Documents tab.

5.Click the Import a Word document link.

This will display a Import a Word document dialog box. You have to indicate in this window the name and the location of the file to be imported.

6.Click the Browse button to select the document to be imported. This will display another window called Choose File.

7.Use the Choose File window to find and select the document you want to import. Browse in your directories and files, select a file then click the Open button. This will close the Choose File window and will display the path and the name of the file to import in the Import a Word document dialog box.

8.Click the Import link to confirm the import.

Note: Click the Cancel button in the Import a Word document window if you want to cancel the import process.

A confirmation message is displayed.

9.Click the OK button to confirm the process and close the window.

The imported document is added to the list of your documents under the Other documents (Import) category in the Documents tab.