Interest to be discharged

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You access the Previous Lender section by clicking the arrow to the left of Previous Lender section under the Interest to be discharged tab.

The Interest to be discharged section allows you to research select and add information about the previous lender. This information will be useful to prepare and process your Discharge file.

This section contains the 3 following main parts:

Registered Lender: allow you to get the name and details of the current Lender by researching and selecting the name of the lender as written on the discharge document.

Details : allow you to select and enter information that will be forwarded to the Lender when sending the Request for Payout Statement.

Status: allow you to follow the steps related to the management process of Discharge.

The Previous Lender section is made of the following components :



Registered Lender

Allows to research the name of the lender as written on the discharge document. (This information is displayed after you research the Lender using the Research button to right field)


Lender Info

Displays the Info of the lender (name and current address of the Lender) concerned by  the Payout Request

Payout Request Sent

Allows to select and indicate that Payout Request was forwarded to the Lender


Certified Payout Statement received

Displays that the Certified Payout Statement was received



Allows to select and indicate that the reimbursement was made.

No Outstanding Balance

Allow to indicate that there is no amount due to the Lender

Money sent to Lender, reference

Allow to indicate that the repayment has been made to the Lender

Reference # (check #, eft # …)

Allows to enter the reference number regarding the payment method

Amount sent to Lender

Allows to enter the refund amount given to the Lender

Authorization to Discharge

Indicates that the Authorization to Discharge has been received

Discharge Registered

Allows to select and indicate that the Discharge has been registered

Discharge Registration #

Allows to indicate the Discharge Registration number

Publish Date

Allows to indicate the Discharge Publish Date


Pull-down menu allowing you to choose the type of Discharge document (full or partial)

Statement required for

Allows to indicate the date for which the statement is required

Comment to Lender

Allows to enter additional information to the Lender (text field)

Legal Description

Allows to select the Legal Description of the property referred by the Payout Request

Previous Borrower(s)

Allows to select Previous Borrower referred by the Payout Request

Nature of Document

Pull-down menu allowing you to choose the nature of Document

Registered Amount

Allows to indicate the amount of the guaranty as written on discharge document

Registration #

Allows to indicate the Discharge Registration number

Registration Date

Allows to indicate the Discharge Registration date

Registration Division

Pull-down menu allowing you to select the Registration Division where the Discharge was registered


Add or Remove a Previous Lender

previous lender_add_remove

The arrow to the left of the name allows showing or hiding information about Previous Lender.

The Add button top right of the page Previous Lender allows you to add a Previous Lender. You can add up to 10 Previous Lender.

Information about Legal Description and Current Registered Owner(s) previously entered in the Legal Description and Current Registered Owner(s) pages are automatically displayed in the new Previous Lender section. You can select Legal Description and Current Registered Owner concern by this request.

You must also research and select a new Lender in the Registered Lender section.

The Remove button allows you to remove a Previous Lender section.

Note: If there is only one Previous Lender section, you cannot remove it.

Note: If the Payout Request has already been transmitted, you cannot remove it.