Money sent to Lender

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If you have to reimburse the Lender, you indicate the reference number of the check or payment and the amount remitted to the Lender in the appropriate fields and you select the status Money sent to Lender, reference.

Select the Reimbursement status and the box Reimbursement will be check automatically and the date and time will be displayed at the right of the status.

1.Enter information about reimbursement in the field Reference # and Amount sent to Lender. Default, the status Money sent to Lender, reference is checked.

2.Click on Reimbursement status.

The box Reimbursement is automatically checked and sending date and time are displayed at the right of the status.


The information regarding the reimbursement is then forwarded to the Lender.

Note: If the Lender gave you more than a Certified Payout Statement for the same file, you can merge the amounts and send one check or payment to the Lender.