Registering PDF Documents (British Columbia Only)

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The registration process for PDF documents is done for British Columbia users through the BC Online interface. Users must have selected the Assyst Real Estate link and be logged, through BC Online, in the Assyst Real Estate system.

The registration function is used to transmit electronically mortgage deeds.

To register a PDF document

1.Select a file in your list of files.

2.Click the Documents tab. This will display the categories of documents available for the file.

3.Click the sign to the left of a category name to display the generated documents belonging to this category.  A list of documents is displayed. A sign is then displayed to the left of the category name meaning the list is expanded.

4.Click the name of a document to select it. It is highlighted.

5.Click the Register link on the right of the list of documents.

Note: The Register function is only enabled if the registration process can be done for the document that you have selected (mortgage deeds). The document must have been digitally signed. Data are encrypted prior to be sent.

6.The registration process is executed. A status message is displayed.

7.When the registration process is completed, a confirmation is displayed.

When the transmission is completed and approved, the corresponding information is displayed in the Transmission Information section. You will find in this section the name of the recipient, its e-mail address, the name of the sender and the sending date.