Saving in Pages

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When you modify or update the content of a page, the fields that have been modified are displayed in a different color (blue) and the two buttons Save and Cancel on the top right side are enabled.

As any Web application, the modifications in the Assyst Real Estate pages are not automatically saved. You are responsible for asking the system to save your data.

To save data in a page

1.Select a file in your list of files.

2.Select a tab to display the information you want to modify or complete. This will display one of the Assyst Real Estate page.

3.Modify the content of the page by entering or updating some field values. Modifications are displayed in blue.

4.Click the Save button save button on the top right side of the page.
A temporary status window may be displayed.

When the saving process is completed, fields that have been modified are displayed again in their regular color.

Note:  If you attempt to select another file or another tab while being in a page where you did modifications without saving, a warning message is displayed and you have to save or cancel your modifications to move to another page.

Note: If a field value is invalid (red color), the page cannot be saved. You have to correct the invalid value prior to leave.