Setting Alerts (lawyers/notaries only)

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You can set your profile in Assyst Real Estate to be informed via e-mail every time:

New notes are added to your files

New files are transmitted to you

The alerts function in the My Profile page allows you to set these alerts. You can define if you want to receive your alerts at your office or personal e-mail address.

To set alerts

1.Click the My Profile button in the top left section of the Assyst Real Estate main page.
This will display the My Profile window.

2.Make sure the General Information tab is selected.

3.In the Alerts section, select in the drop-down list to which e-mail address the alerts will be sent: Personal e-mail or Office e-mail

Select None if you do not want to receive any e-mail alerts.

4.Check the Notes box to receive e-mails when new notes are added to your files.
Check the Files box to receive e-mails when new files are transmitted to you.

5.Click the Save button to save your modifications  and close the My Profile window.