About your Funding Info

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The funding information is used when transferring funds to your trust account (for lawyers and notaries). This data is merged when the system generates the Preliminary Report/Request for Funds for your files. If you complete your funding information in your Funding Info page, this information is automatically used when creating the  Preliminary Report/Request for Funds  and you do not have to enter it again.

clip_note If you do not complete your funding information in your profile, the system will ask you to enter it every time.


To access your Funding Info

1.Click Funding Info at the top of the main page.
This will display the Direct deposit account(s) page.

The Direct deposit account(s) page contains the following columns and buttons:





Financial Institution

Display's the name of the Financial Institution


Trust Account Name

Display's the name of the account holder


Transit No

Display's the financial institution transit number


Trust Account

Display's the number of the trust account



Indicates the preferred account to use by default. Only one account can be selected



Click this button to add a new account (see Add direct deposit account)



Click this button to remove an account (see Remove direct deposit account)



Click this button to edit an account (see Edit direct deposit account)