Add direct deposit account

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The Add button in the top section of the Direct Deposit Account page allows you to add a new deposit account.

You can add up to 10 deposit accounts.


To add a direct deposit account

1.Click Add in the top section of the Direct deposit account(s) page.
This will display the Add direct deposit account window.
2.Complete the fields in the Add direct deposit account window.

The table below provides you with the list of all fields included in the Add direct deposit account window.





Financial Institution

Drop-down list. Select a financial institution


Trust Account Name

Text field. Enter the name of the trust account holder


Transit No

Numeric field. Enter the financial institution transit number


Trust Account

Numeric field. Enter the trust account number



Check box.  Check to indicate that this is the preferred account to be use by default


3.Click the Save button to save information entered.

This information is automatically used when the system generates the Preliminary Report/Request for Funds for your files.