Completing your Profile

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This section presents the information relative to your Profile available in the General Information tab.


To complete your Profile

1.Click General Information at the top section of the main page.
2.Complete or modify the fields in the Profile section.

The table below provides you with the list of all fields included in the Profile section.





Last Name

Text field. Enter your last name.


First Name

Firm Name

Text field. Enter your first name.

Text field. Enter your firm name.



Drop-down list. Select your working language. The interface will be always displayed by default in this language.



Drop-down list. Select your title.


Personal E-mail

Enter your personal e-mail address.

This e-mail address is important and is used to send you your passwords.


Office E-mail

Enter your office e-mail address.


Office Phone

Numeric field. Enter your office phone number.



Numeric field. Enter your fax number.


3.Click the Save button to save your modifications.