Appearance and Institution Details

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Appearance and Institution Details

Appearance window

In the General Information section:

1.Click the Appearance link to the right of the Financial Institution field to open the Appearance window where you find the information relative to the Appearance of the lender (Financial Institution, Name, Notice of Address, and Address).

2.Click the Details link to the right of the Service Center Transit field to open the Institution Details window where you find the information relative to the Institution Details (Financial Institution, Name, Service Center Transit, Phone, Fax, Communication Mode, E-mail, and Address).

3.Click the Details link to the right of the Branch Transit field to open the Institution Details window where you find the information relative to the Institution Details (Financial Institution, Name, Branch Transit, Phone, Fax, Communication Mode, E-mail and Address).

4.Click on Close button. You are back to the General Information section.