Modifying Your Password

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You can change your password at any time in the General Information tab in My profile window. Your password must have between 6 and 8 characters including two digits.

For security reasons, it is recommended to change your password on a regular basis. The system will automatically ask you to change it after 60 days because your password will automatically expire after this limited period of 60 days.

To modify your password

1.Click the My Profile button in the top left section of the Assyst Real Estate main page.
This will display the My Profile window.

2.Make sure the General Information tab is selected.

3.In the Password section, complete the following fields:





Current Password

Enter your current password. Make sure to respect capital and small letters.


New Password

Enter your new password. Your password must have between 6 and 8 characters including two digits.


Confirm New Password

Reenter your new password. Make sure to respect the same capital and small letters than in the previous field.


If you enter incorrect data or erroneous passwords, messages will prompt and you will not be able to save your edits or close the window.

4.Click the Save button to save your modifications. This will close the My Profile window.

Your new password will be valid the next time you will log into Assyst Real Estate.