Your coordinates are available in the General Information page in the My Profile page.
➢ To complete your coordinates and your address 1.Click the My Profile button in the top left section of the Assyst Real Estate main page.
This will display the My Profile window. 2.Make sure the General Information tab is selected. 3.Complete or modify the fields in the Coordinates and Address sections. The table below provides you with the list of all fields included in the Coordinates and Address sections. You can edit every field.
Last Name
Text field. Enter your last name.
First Name
Firm Name
Text field. Enter your first name.
Text field. Enter your firm name.
Drop-down list. Select your working language. The Assyst Real Estate interface will be always displayed by default in this language.
Drop-down list. Select your title.
Personal E-mail
Enter your personal e-mail address. Make sure to respect standard e-mail address formats.
This e-mail address is important and is used by TELUS to send you your passwords and other messages linked to your files.
Office E-mail
Enter your office e-mail address. Make sure to respect standard e-mail address formats.
Office Phone
Numeric field. Enter your office phone number.
Numeric field. Enter your fax number.
Civic Number / Street
Enter your street name and civic number.
Apartment / Suite
Enter your apartment or suite number.
P.O Box
Enter your P.O box number.
Enter the name of your city
Drop-down list. Select your province.
Drop-down list. Select your country.
Postal Code
Enter your postal code. Make sure to respect the postal code format used in Canada or in the United States.
4.Click the Save button to save your modifications. This will close the My Profile window. Note: When the data entered in a field are invalid, this field is displayed in red. You cannot save your data in this case as long as you do not correct the invalid values.