Opening Your Profile

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The objective of this section is to explain where you can access your profile. It also introduces the different information available in your profile.

To open your profile

1.Click the My Profile button in the top left section of the Assyst Real Estate main page.
This will display the My Profile window. You will find in this window all the information relative to your profile. You can modify every field in this window.


The My Profile window is organized into the following pages (tabs):

¢General Information: Includes the information relative to your coordinates, your address, your password, your out of office notification, and you alerts. Refer to Completing Your Coordinates and Address, Modifying Your Password, Enabling/Disabling Your Out of Office Notification, Setting Alerts

¢Payment (for lawyers/notaries only): Includes the information relative to your credit card that is required when paying your transactions to TELUS. Refer to Modifying the Payment Information.

¢Funding Info (for lawyers/notaries only): Includes the information relative to your funding method. Refer to Modifying the Funding Information.

¢File sharing (for lawyers/notaries only): Includes the list of legal assistants and legal counsels with who you share your files and their access rights. Refer to Sharing Your Files.

¢Legal counsels (for legal assistants only): Includes the list of legal counsels you work for. Refer to Adding/Removing Legal Counsels.