Setting Out of Office Notification

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The Out of Office Notification is a very useful option allowing you to inform the financial institutions which assign you new files that you are away for a given period of time. If you enable this option, by indicating a departure and return date, the system will automatically send a notification to any financial institution which will assign you a new file during your absence.

To define an out of office notification, you have to indicate a Departure Date and a Return Date. During this period, the financial institutions which will assign you new files will be informed about your out of office notification. You can define an out of office notification for a maximum period of 3 months.


 To enable your Out of Office Notification

1.Click General Information at the top of the main page.
This will display the General Information page.
2.Complete the two Departure Date and Return Date fields using the Calendar tool.
3.Click the Save button to save your modifications.
A message will inform you that your Out of Office Notification is enabled.

 To disable your Out of Office Notification

1.Click General Information at the top of the main page.
This will display the General Information page.
2.Click the Disable button.

Both fields Departure Date and Return Date are emptied.

A message will inform you that your Out of Office Notification is disabled.

clip_note  Your Out of Office Notification is automatically disabled when your return date is reached.