Managing Your Profile

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The objective of this section is to present the information about your profile that is available in Assyst Real Estate:

Your coordinates and address

Your password

Your out of office notification - for lawyers/notaries only

Your alerts - for lawyers/notaries only

Your payment information - for lawyers/notaries only

Your funding information - for lawyers/notaries only

Your file sharing information - for lawyers/notaries only

The legal counsels you work for - for legal assistants only

and how you can access and modify this information.

Note: You have to complete the information on your profile the first time you start using Assyst Real Estate. Profiles remain the same from one file to another; there is no need to verify it each working session.

About Your Profile

Opening Your Profile

Completing Your Coordinates and Address

Modifying Your Password

Enabling / Disabling Your Out of Office Notification (lawyers/notaries only)

Setting Alerts (lawyers/notaries only)

Modifying Your Payment Information (lawyers/notaries only)

Modifying Your Funding Information (lawyers/notaries only)

Sharing Your Files (lawyers/notaries only)

Adding Legal Counsels (legal assistants only)

Removing Legal Counsels (legal assistants only)